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By Stephanie Green, MBC Staff Applications Analyst & MBC Tysons Attendee
In a recent discussion with a close friend, I realized why I get so concerned about “relational sanctification” (as I would label it). I’ve found that relationships I’m in now can have a way of resurrecting the past, and all of the hurts that have been hiding under its webs. Previously in my life, these flashbacks have been so painful that I didn’t know how to deal with or face the reality of the hurt. For example, in high school, after being stood up on the day of my boyfriend’s prom, I began cutting. Several years later, while in a disastrous relationship with a college boyfriend, I tried to…
By Mike Kelsey, Campus Pastor @MBCSilverSpring
The Heart Is Always Trusting Something
In addition to our desires, we are also motivated by our beliefs. In fact, our beliefs usually dictate how we handle our desires. This is clearly seen in the account of the Fall in Genesis 3. Eve desired the nourishment, beauty and divine wisdom that would come from eating the fruit of the forbidden tree (Genesis 3:6). But she didn’t eat it until she believed the serpent’s proposal to be more reliable than God’s promises (Genesis 3:1-5).
The same dynamic is at work in our hearts. Our minds are filled with thoughts that have been accumulated from and influenced by different sources: media…
By Donna Stites, MBC Tysons Attendee
“Prayer is not a preparation for work, it is the work. Prayer is not preparation for the battle, it is the battle.”
– Oswald Chambers
The greatest blessing in my life is the fact that I have been saved from a life of sin and misery and adopted as a daughter of the King of the Universe! Talk about an awesome thought! Those of us who have been born again by the Spirit have the privilege of praying for those still lost in their sin. And there is no larger group of people living without the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ than Muslims who comprise almost a quarter of the world’s population.
I love…
By Brian Rice, Access Adult Coordinator at MBC Tysons
A week or so before Lon preached on the book of Colossians, a very nice Jehovah’s Witness couple came to my door. The woman shared the script she had memorized to try and show me that our beliefs were the same—we are sinners in need of Jesus as a savior. After a few minutes of polite conversation and affirming what she had said so far (none of which was yet heresy), I asked what the difference is between her beliefs and what I as an evangelical Christian would affirm. She continued down her script, and with polite curiosity I asked the same question a few more times. There obviously must be…