31 Days of Prayer – Day 15

31 Days of Prayer

…shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness. (1 Peter 5:2 NASB)

We know God looks after us as our Shepherd, but what does it look like for us to be a spiritual shepherd to others? Even growing up in a small town in Georgia, I didn’t observe many actual shepherds. The job of a shepherd is still a bit foreign to me, yet we are commanded to spiritually emulate this role as disciples.

When thinking on this, I am often challenged by the example of missionary Amy Carmichael. Her understanding of shepherding-to spiritually care for, guide, and raise up those who God placed in her life, allowed the Gospel to explode in India during the late 1800’s. Hundreds came to faith under her personal care, and later, thousands found Jesus as her ministry expanded. This all happened because she took seriously the call to shepherd those around her.

Pray today…

Ask God what it looks like for you to shepherd, to spiritually care for, guide and raise up the people in your life.

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