31 Days of Prayer – Day 27

31 Days of Prayer

Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God. (Romans 15:7 NASB)

Thirteen years ago, I walked into a church for Wednesday night youth group for the first time after several years of walking away from my faith. When I walked into the gym I immediately was overwhelmed. “What am I doing here?” I thought to myself. “There is no way they are going to understand what I’ve been through!” As I was turning around to leave I was nearly tackled by a man named Bob who immediately introduced me to several others and invited me to play basketball. Eventually I was discipled by that very same man who accepted me that night.

I often look back at that moment and wonder if I ever would have come back to Christ if it weren’t for Bob. True disciples of Christ ought to be the most accepting people on the planet because Christ accepted us when we were most unlovable. Do you have eyes to see those who are on the fringes or lonely? God could use you to show His acceptance in a way that could transform a life forever.

Pray today…

That God would show you those who are lonely or on the fringes to whom you can show the acceptance of Christ.

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