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How to Begin the New Year

2014-2015 road sign

By Mike Kelsey, @MBCSilverSpring Campus Pastor

As we envision the next 363 days, all of us have a desire—if not some sort of resolution—to do some things better this year. If we’re smart, we’ll not only desire and resolve to make some changes, but we’ll create a plan to help turn our commitments into priorities. But the single most important thing to keep at the forefront of our minds as we begin this new year is the character and nature of God—the God who was with us this past year and who will be with us this year.

No matter what we do or fail to do, God will be God, and He will be with us and for us….


Why Do We Sing?

Crowd singing

By Drew White, @MBCTysons Kid’s Quest Volunteer Recruiting Coordinator

Why does almost every church around the world have music as a part of its worship service? Other than the fact that there are countless Scriptures that tell believers in Jesus Christ to use music as a way to praise God, what reason do we have to make it such a central part of our corporate worship time? The answer might actually be found in something as simple as a definition. A simple question, with a simple answer, that has a profound impact on our lives as followers of Jesus. That question is, “What is singing?”

If we were to come up with a basic definition of singing, it might sound…


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