“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10 NASB)
Zacchaeus, though small in stature, was guaranteed to have a large quantity of enemies throughout Jericho. He was the chief tax collector, and had, no doubt, attained much of his wealth through questionable (if not criminal) activities. Zacchaeus climbed up the tree to catch a glimpse of Jesus, and surprisingly the Lord greeted him from the base of the sycamore tree. It would seem like an odd course of action for Christ to approach the biggest sinner in the city, share a meal with him, and ultimately extend an invitation for eternal life. You might ask, why is this the man Jesus chose to join for a meal? The answer to this question is found in Luke 19:10, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Do you choose to tenaciously pursue those who so desperately need Jesus, like Zacchaeus—to share a meal, to explain your testimony, and to love with the love of Jesus?
Pray today…
That the mission of Jesus would be your mission.