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By Joe Henriques, MBC Tysons Pastor
We know how Jesus changed the lives of His disciples before the cross, but after His resurrection, the changes were even more radical. The Apostle John tells us of one day when Jesus unexpectedly showed up and said to His disciples:
“Come and enjoy breakfast by the sea!”
Sounds like a promo for an exclusive resort, doesn’t it? But what if it’s a personal invitation from Jesus to join Him for breakfast, and, by the way, He’ll be the chef?
For socialites, that would be the perfect photo op. But for Peter, breakfast with Jesus turned out to be a game changer. Jesus completely refocused him, repurposed his life and even told him what his…
By Joe Henriques, MBC Tysons Campus Pastor
I used to go to church on Ash Wednesday—the first day of the Lenten season that lasts until Easter—to get ashes pressed on to my forehead. The ashes were supposed to remain in the shape of a cross, but they always gradually turned into a smudge mark. Then for the next 40 days (except for Sunday), I gave up something that I liked.
This year, I gave up Lent for Lent. I decided to celebrate instead of fast. I’m making merry instead of mourning!
Not because I think Lent is a bad thing. Along with millions of people in the big world of Christendom, I agree that it’s a good thing. At a baseline level,…