“…teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20 NASB)
These are the final words of the Lord Jesus Christ when He was on earth. He provided clear direction for all of us as believers. First, we must know Jesus’ commands. Second, we must teach Jesus’ commands. Third, we will have the presence of Jesus with us whenever we obey this.
We must all teach others the things we know about Jesus’ commands. We naturally have no confidence in our ability to teach anyone about Jesus. We know ourselves and are sure that we aren’t capable. But, Jesus never gave a command that He didn’t give us strength and opportunity to obey. Look around your world. Does He want you to teach your child, friend, or co-worker? As you now go out and obey Him, remember He is with you “on every occasion.”