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Getting to the Heart, Part 2

By Mike Kelsey, MBC Silver Spring Campus Pastor

Self-pitying comparisons. Outburts of anger. Refusal to share the Gospel. What do all of these have in common?

Our hearts.

While we are all influenced by different factors (e.g. past history, physical causes, etc.), Scripture teaches that our behavior ultimately flows from the heart. This is why Proverbs 4:23 warns us, “Watch over your heart with all diligence for from it flow the springs of life.” In Luke 6:43-45, Jesus gives us a picture that illustrates the relationship between our behavior and our heart (cf. Mark 7:20-23). Just as roots that are hidden beneath the surface produce observable fruit, our hearts produce our behavior. In other words, if we really want to…


Jesus Stands

By Joe Kelty, MBC Tysons Director of Men’s Discipleship

Here’s a really cool story about the early Christian Church, just after the resurrection of Christ. Jesus had gone back to be with the Father in heaven, and He sent the Holy Spirit to His disciples. Christian believers were now empowered to carry out the Great Commission, spreading the good news of God’s plan of redemption for mankind.

In Chapters 6 & 7 of the Acts of the Apostles we read about a Christian named Stephen. He was preaching to the Jews, telling them how Jesus was truly the Messiah promised from God. The Jews…


Breakfast by the Sea – A Game Changer for Life

By Joe Henriques, MBC Tysons Pastor

We know how Jesus changed the lives of His disciples before the cross, but after His resurrection, the changes were even more radical. The Apostle John tells us of one day when Jesus unexpectedly showed up and said to His disciples:

“Come and enjoy breakfast by the sea!”

Sounds like a promo for an exclusive resort, doesn’t it? But what if it’s a personal invitation from Jesus to join Him for breakfast, and, by the way, He’ll be the chef?

For socialites, that would be the perfect photo op. But for Peter, breakfast with Jesus turned out to be a game changer. Jesus completely refocused him, repurposed his life and even told him what his…


My Chat with Jehovah’s Witnesses

By Brian Rice, Access Adult Coordinator at MBC Tysons 

A week or so before Lon preached on the book of Colossians, a very nice Jehovah’s Witness couple came to my door. The woman shared the script she had memorized to try and show me that our beliefs were the same—we are sinners in need of Jesus as a savior. After a few minutes of polite conversation and affirming what she had said so far (none of which was yet heresy), I asked what the difference is between her beliefs and what I as an evangelical Christian would affirm. She continued down her script, and with polite curiosity I asked the same question a few more times. There obviously must be…


Avoiding Faulty Conclusions

By Will Pavone, MBC Tysons Young Adults and Edge Community Pastor

There are two ways to enslave oneself in the Christian life. The first way is by embracing legalism and the second is by embracing license. Legalism makes performance (or lack thereof) the basis of acceptance before God. License abuses the grace of God by sinning recklessly, rationalizing that salvation can’t be lost and presumptuously assuming God’s forgiveness. Legalism and license are two opposite extremes yet both are destructive to one’s faith and distort the true Gospel of grace. About halfway through chapter 5 of Galatians, Paul shifts from talking primarily about the futile trap of legalism to warning about the foolish lapse of license. The Apostle writes: 


Confessions of a Gay Christian – Some Thoughts

By Mike Kelsey, MBC Silver Spring Pastor

I just read an article published in Relevant Magazine and I think it’s an important article for Christians to read because it articulates a very painful struggle for some of the people in our churches. Here are several applications I took from it and I think Christians, especially Christian men, need to consider:

1.”Gay jokes” are unwise, insensitive, and unacceptable. If you struggle with this, I’d encourage you to study and meditate on Ephesians 4:29, James 3:9-12, and Matthew 12:33-37

2. Christians tempted with same-sex attraction need the Church to be a community marked by humility, compassion, and truth. Humility = I’m not better than you. Compassion = I am drawn to you…

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